Friday 21 October 2011

U13 Girls Football Fixture

The U13 girls have a fixture against Kinswinford on WEDNESDAY 2nd November.
Fixture is at home on the MUGA
Please see Miss Manley for details

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Year 7 & 8 Girls Football v Stratford.

The game is underway. Thorns are finding the going very difficult and are down 3-0 after 20 minutes.
Half Time 4-0
Second half has started and Thorns are looking mire settled. They still are to test the Stratford keeper.

Goal. 5-0.
Ball wide on the right, striker shoots a looping shot over Cartwright who has looked better this half making two fabulous 1v1 saves.

Goal 6-0
Free header at the back post leaves Cartwright with no chance.

Goal 7-0
Following a fine run the ball was drilled low into the bottom right corner.

Goal 8-0
Another low drive in off the post.

Goal 9-0
Following a good save by Cartwright the ball is spilled to the centre forward who taps home from close range.

Final Score Stratford 9-0

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Year 7/8 Girls Football V Wordsley School.

On Tuesday 18th of October 2011 Thorns year 7/8 girls played against Wordsley school.

Today we played Wordsley School under 13’s girls. We started off playing some good football, winning the possession every time. Everyone played their part from the defenders to midfielders to the strikers. Soon into the start of the match thorns passed some good balls and got it up the opposition end straight away. Britanee took the ball through all the defence skilling them all and soon found the back of the net with a quality shot. Thorns were 1-0 up. The ball was in Wordsley half a lot throughout the first half and not long before the whistle went thorns had another goal, but this time it was an own goal from the Wordsley defence.

Half time, 2-0 to thorns.

As the second half whistle went thorns got straight in at the ball but Wordsley were putting up a defensive fight. They were not giving up but we were also fighting hard. Thorns were battling hard and soon picked up a lot of passes and found the back of the net again with Megan shooting hard with a strong foot, 3-0. As the game progressed edging towards the final whistle both teams were equal and no goals were then scored. The whistle went. Thorns won 3-0 against Wordsley School. Well played everyone, we deserved the win!

By Laura Cartwright, Yr8 :)

U13 Fixture Wednesday 19th October

Under 13 Girls have a fixture away in Stratford tomorrow.
Bring own shorts and socks (PE kit)
3pm SHARP departure from school - to return approx 6.30pm

Any problems see Miss Manley ASAP

Girls U13 Football Match v Wordsley (Away)

Girls football match after school tonight. Away at Wordsley, K.O 3.30pm (approx)
return to school by 5.15pm (approx)
bring your own socks and shorts (PE kit)
Meet in PE after school.

Miss Manley

Friday 7 October 2011

U13 Girls Football V Walsall Academy (Away)

Can all year 7 & 8 girls wanting to play in the football team come and see Miss Manley on Monday at break, potential fixture Wednesday 12 October.

Wednesday 5 October 2011

U13 Boys Football V RSA Academy (Away)

Depart 3.15pm sharp
Return 6.00-6.15pm (approx)
K.O 4.00-4.15pm (approx)

Change into shorts and socks at Lunch time

RSA Academy< Tipton

any problems see Mr Fletcher

Monday 3 October 2011

Girls Football Practise

Tuesday Lunch Time on the MUGA
Wednesday Lunch in the Sports Hall

Thursday 29 September 2011

Year 7/8 Girls Football v Parkside Middle School Bromsgrove.

On Thursday 29th of September 2011 Thorns U13 Girls faced Parkside Middle School in the English Schools FA Cup.

Today Thorns year 7 and 8 girls played our first match of the season against Parkside Middle School in Bromsgrove for the English Schools FA Cup. We started off with some quick attacks proving that we were the stronger team. Soon after we built up teamwork and communication we got the ball away from our goal and Emily planted the ball in the back of the net. We worked very well as a team, passing with every opportunity. Not long after that Thorns had another goal Scored by Amy which put us up 2-0 up. Parkside then found the back of the net making it 2-1. Britanee then made it up to 3-1. We were trying very hard to keep our win. Then before half time we had another 2 goals coming from Becky and Amy. Half time we were 5-1 up.

Second half we got stuck in straight away when the whistle went. Park Side put up a fight for us getting another goal. They then scored 3 goals. Britanee again then secured our win making the score 6-3. Then Parkside managed to score 1 more goal, they battled well but Thorns took the victory with a 6-4 win. Well done to everyone that played!

By: Laura Cartwright Yr 8.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Year 10 Boys Football. English Schools FA Cup v Bromsgrove.

The Year 10 boys football team kicked off their season on Wedensday 21st September when they travelled to South Bromsgrove School in the English Schools FA Cup.   This is a National competition which gives pupils a great opportunity to travel and play schools outside of the Dudley Borough. 

Thorns lined up with Matt Hall in goal, Liam Willetts left back, Tristan Champ centre back, Matt Booth centre back, Brad Mitchell right back.  The new look midfield featured Josh Thompson stepping up an age group to play on the left side while Grant Blakeway and Shane Grainger were the centre midfield generals.  Calum Pearson who had to be collected from college on the way to the game played on the right and completed the midfield four.  Up front James Thompson and Liam Tolley provided the attacking threat. 

The game itself started brightly with both teams playing some very attractive attacking football.  Thorns tested the Bromsgrove keeper early on when James Thompson raced clear but the keeper blocked the shot with his feet.  From the resulting corner Grainger headed over.  At the other end Matt Hall who is once again playing for the year 10 team despite being a year 9 pupil showed brilliant reflexes to turn away a fierce shot to his right. 

It was Thorns who made the breakthrough and took the lead after 15 mintues when Grainger delicately spun the ball through two defenders then James Thompson delightly dinked the ball over the advancing keeper.  Following the goal Thorns grew in confidence and began to pass the ball well.  It was not long after and no surprise when Thorns doubled their lead when Grainger beautifuly slid a through ball past the defence to Thompson who finished first time with a finesse shot into the bottom right hand corner. 

Thorns were now rampant and were attacking with flair when a Bromsgrove counter attack left Thorns exposed at the back.  The normally dependable Matt Booth was caught a little by surprise and was left with little choice but to pull back the advancing striker to concede a free kick in a dangerous position.  Booth was fortunate as Champ had made up considerable ground to get back and cover and so Booth escaped with a yellow card.  The resulting free kick sailed harmlessly over Hall's bar. 
Thorns prepare to face a free kick following Booth's caution for a rugby tackle.

Following the let off Thorns continued to push forward and put pressure on the Bromsgrove defence with Grainger being a constant threat.  Josh Thompson linked up fantastically with his brother and Grainger. Between them they created lots of opportunites.  It was from one such move that James Thompson picked out Grainger with an inch perfect pass.  Grainger feinted outside before cutting inside and firing an unstoppable shot low into the bottom left hand corner of the net.  Thorns now had what appeared to be a unsurmountable lead but that feeling didn't last for long as Bromsgrove netted just before halft time with a well taken goal.

Half Time - Thorns 3 Bromsgrove 1

The second half would always prove to be more difficult as Thorns were now kicking into the wind.  Despite that they played some very good counter attacking football and Liam Tolley was unlucky not to score after his silky skills left the Bromsgrove defence chasing shaddows.  Bromsgrove didn't give up however and continued to press for a goal.  When they were awarded a free kick just inside the Thorns half  Mr Healy urged the defenders to hold the line and defend the 18yard box.  However the back line dropped deep and played the Bromsgrove attackers onside.  The ball fell to one of them who fired off a shot.  Matt Hall managed to save the initial shot but could do little as Billingham rammed home the rebound to make the score 3-2.  Bromsgrove continued to press for the equaliser but Thorns defended really well.  Liam Willetts deserves a special mention for a great covering tackle and a very good over all performance. 

Brace Brothers 2 x 2= 4

Thorns did not panic despite Bromsgrove pulling to within a goal and instead they went on to produce the attacking move of the game.  Josh Thompson linked  up exceptionally well with his brother James down the left.  A fantastic dummy by Josh which was bought by the Bromsgrove defenders allowed James' pass to reach Grainger.  What happened next was in little doubt as the unstoppable Grainger powered his way into the Bromsgrove penalty area before drilling a low rocket of a shot into the bottom left corner of the net.  With the result secured, Thorns played out the remaining stoppage time to claim a well deserved victory.

The Midfield Enforcer looks like he means business this year.

Following the game Mr Healy said that he was extremely proud of the team who had battled hard to win a place in the next round of the cup.  He said 'I am very pleased with the level of effort shown by all my players this evening but I think a special mention for our two debutants is in order.  Josh Thompson played with a confidence and swagger of a 15 year old and Tristan Champ looked solid at the back' 

The victory means that Thorns now face Bishop Challoner from Birmingham in the next round.  The game will be played at home so your support would be greatly appreciated.  Check on the website for future details. 

Man of the match awarded by Mr Healy is Shane Grainger who was a dominant force in midfield and bagged a brace.  This report was written by Grant Blakeway. 

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Year 10 Boys Football

The Year 10 Boys Football Team have a national cup game tomorrow away at South Bromsgrove School.  Kick off will be approximately 4.30pm. Squad from Hall (year 9) Jones, Dimmock, Mitchell, James, Turley, Willetts, Booth, Pargeter, Blakeway, Grainger, Pearson, Thompson, Law, Sheldon (year 9), Jack Lee (year 9).  Please forward this message onto anyone who you may think is not aware of the game.  Back at school around 6pm

Thursday 15 September 2011

Year 7 Boys Football Trials

The Year 7 boys trials will now be held on Monday 19th September from 3.00pm - 4.00pm on the Muga.  For this trial pupils are encouraged NOT to wear their PE Kit.  Suitable footwear is essential. No studs please.  Any further information or questions please comment below.

Year 9 Crash out of National Cup

The Year 9 Boys Football team crashed out of the ESFA Cup on Thursday with a 3-0 defeat to RSA Academy.  There were a number of good perfomances despite the result most notably from Josh Timmins who made his debut on the left side of midfield.  The result could have been  much different had it not been for Matt Hall who kept goal superbly and could do little with the goals conceded.  Move of the game has to be when Jack Lee twisted and turned past three defenders with some superb close control but saw his shot blocked by the keeper and the rebound cleared off the line.  The year 9 boys now turn their attention the the Brierley Hill and Dudley Schools FA Cup which is their last chance of any silverware this season.  Well done to all those who played.

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Year 9 Boys Football

The year 9 boys football game against Sandwell Academy has been rescheduled for Thursday 15th September.  It will be played at home, kick off 4.30pm.  The Squad is Alcock, Grove, Bayley, Bayley, Adkins, Thompson, Cox, Hooper, Ganner, Rogers, Pritchard, Morgan, Swain, Timmins, Lee, Holden.  Sheldon is injured but should still come and support the team as this season he will be Captain.  Any problems see Mr Healy asap.

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Thorns Baseball

Next year Thorns will play host to a new baseball team which will play in the British Baseball Federation League.  Anyone wishing to get involved or would like further information please speak to a member of the PE dept

Welcome Back

I hope you all had a wonderful summer break and are now looking forward to taking part in a wide variety of sports this year.  A lot have changes have been made over the summer which will have a positive impact on your PE lessons.  The most notable change is the new house system.  The new house system will give us the opportunity to offer many intra school competitions.  Details about the competitions will appear on here soon.  Another change which I am sure you will all notice and find very useful is the new 32 inch tv which has been installed in the department.  It is anticipated that fixtures, results, reports and other key information will be displayed here which should mean that you are always up to date with what is going on in your PE department.  Finally we would just like to take this opportunity to welcome our new year 7s to the school. 

Thursday 21 July 2011

Laser Quest Rewards Trip.

The end of year rewards trip was to Laser Quest in Stourbridge. Pupils from yr7 8 and 9 recieve letters to go and have a couple of games there, but to attend pupils had to receive 11 merits or more across the year in their PE lessons.  The games lasted 15 minutes each game and there were 2 teams, red and green.  Points were awarded for every time you shot an opponent on their gun, shoulder, front or back of the pack.  Points were deducted when you were shot.  The winning team was the one with the most points in the end.  There were a number of good individual performances by Steven Shehan and Connor Grove.  Next year there will be another PE rewards trip so watch this space and try hard in your PE lessons to get the merits!  Written by Connor Grove 8NT

Monday 13 June 2011


The Stourbridge Education Trust (TSET) was formed 2 years ago and comprises of Thorns Community College, Pedmore, Redhill and Ridgewood local secondary schools.  To celebrate the trust an annual sports day is held and this year it was bigger and better than before.  It was held at Himley Hall on Thursday 9th of June and over 150 children from years 7, 8 and 9 took part in sports such as mountain biking, biathlon and golf.  Full details and pictures from the day can be found under the TSET tab on this page.  Well done to all those pupils who took part and a special thank you to Mr Fletcher who was instrumental in the organisation of the event.

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Year 7 Athletics

On Wednesday 25th May, Mr fletcher and Miss Hughes took a year 7 athletics team to the Dell Stadium to compete in the annual Dudley Schools Athletics event. All pupils performed exceptionally well and were a credit to themselves, the PE department and Thorns school. Well Done!

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Year 9 Athletics

On Wednesday the 11th of May thirteen year 9 students attended the Dudley Inter School Athletics competition at The Dell Stadium. Students competed in the following events 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, 1500m and 4 x 100m Relay, Shot Putt, Javelin, Discus, Long Jump and High Jump. All students taking part did very well and represented the school with impeccable behaviour. Well done to Marie Campbell who finished fourth in the 100 metres final, Danielle Hilton who came fourth in the High Jump and the girl’s relay team who also made it into the final and finished a respectable fourth. Also congratulation to Alex Gardener who competed in three events on the evening, making it in to the 400 metre final, taking part in the relay and his most successful event throwing 32.30 metres in the Javelin placing him second overall. Alex will now be invited to represent the school at the West Midlands Athletics event in July.
Congratulations and Well Done to all those who took part.
Abi Homer
Dani Hilton
Jess Lake
Megan Dudley
Yolanda Moyo
Marie Campbell
Athena Southwell
Natalie Dingley
Adeel Asif
Nathan Greenwood
Shane Hazel
Calum Pearson
Alex Gardener

Wednesday 4 May 2011

BTEC Sport Unit 2

The Unit Guide for Practical Sport Unit 2 is now online. Please pay particular attention to coursework hand submission dates please.

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Yr 10 Football Fixture

Unfortunately the game vs Dormston has been cancelled on 7th April. Hopefully this game will be played week beginning 2nd May 2011.

Year 7NT Safe and Effective Trampoline

Jumping for Joy: Year 7 Show off their Safe and Effective Exercise Skills

7NT recently had a lesson on how to use the trampolines safely and effectively.  They were taught the importance of removing chewing gum and jewelery before exercising.  Other key learning objectives taught were how to 'spot' performers to ensure their safety.  All pupils demonstrated that they knew how to warm up safely and effectively in an appropriate manner for the activity.  Well done to Emma Haywood, Jordan Devine, Zachary Burchell and Shae McNally who all were awarded National Curriculum Level 5c for this module of work.

Year 7 Boys Football v Hillcrest

The Year 7 Boys Football Team have a game against Hillcrest tomorrow (Thursday 7th April)  Please see Mr Healy to confirm availability.

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Taxi for Castle High!

Thorns 9 (Nine) v Castle High School 0
(Grainger, 5,35,55) (Pearson, 10,16,32) (Thompson, 12,38) (Law, 60)

On Tuesday the 5th of April 2011 the Year 9 Boys traveled to Castle High in the Brierley Hill and Dudley Schools FA Cup Quarter Final.   The Year 9 team had come off the back of some disappointing defeats in recent weeks so it was great to see the team start so positive and attack right from the first whistle.  The team lined up with Ben Cox in goal, Liam Willetts making a welcome return from injury at left back as was Matt Booth who partnered Bradley Mitchell in the center of defence with Luke Dimmock in at right back.  Thorns lined up with three central midfielders; Daniel Pritchard, Shane Grainger and Jordan Pargeter supported a three forwards of Liam Tolley, Calum Pearson and James Thompson.

Thorns pressed forward early on and were awarded a free kick 30 yards out after 5 minutes.  Grainger lined up the free kick and promptly sent a wicked curling shot into the top left hand corner of the net to give Thorns a deserved lead.  Thorns continued to dominate and following some good work down the right hand side Calum Pearson was on hand to tap in from close range to make the score 2-0.  Castle didn't concede and fought back forcing smart saves from Ben Cox in the Thorns goal who was making his debut.  Following a Castle attack Thorns moved the ball well from the back to the front to release speedy striker James Thompson who raced clear and lifted the ball over the advancing keeper in expert fashion to send Thorns into the break with a 3-0 lead.

Half Time: Castle High 0 Thorns Community College 3

The second half began in similar fashion to the first with the Thorns midfield dominating the game.  Thorns soon found themselves 4 goals up when Pearson calmly with a side foot finish.  Pearson soon found himself in the action once again and completed his hat trick when he found himself clear and 1 v 1 with the keeper.  Showing great composure he rounded the keeper and blasted home his first hat trick as a Thorns player.

Captain Grainger then netted with an awesome 18 yard header following a nice move out on the right to grab his second of the game.  Thompson who had been a constant threat with his skill and pace added the 7th goal of  the game with a precise header following an inch perfect cross by Pargeter who incidentally had a great game. Soon after Grainger completed his hat trick and the second of the game as he rounded the keeper and slotted home.  Amidst all the action there were four substitution as Greeenwood, Turley, Law and Till all made appearances and it was Ryan Law who rounded off a comfortable win with a tap in following a Luke Dimmock thunder shot which the keeper could only parry.

Thorns now face Summerhill in the semi final. The game will be played following the Easter break.

My Ball!  Hat Trick Heroes Grainger and Pearson Fight over the Match Ball 
Glad to be back: Booth and Willetts return from Injury while JT shows Torres how it should be done.

Monday 4 April 2011

Year 6 Talent Squad

On Monday 4th April pupils from local primary schools took part in a rock climbing activity, having already experienced trampolining earlier in the year. All took an active part climbing and reaching the top. Some pupils then took the challenge of climbing more difficult routes to the top. All enjoyed the activity and will return in the summer term for tennis and softball sessions.

Year 9 Game Arranged

The long overdue Year 9 game v Castle High has been arranged for Tuesday 5th April.  The game is away and all players need to come down to PE dept at the end of school for a 3.45 departure.  The game is a cup game so there may be extra time and penalties but we should be back at school no later than 6pm.  This game is a quarter final and should we be successful we will play Summerhill in the semi final after Easter. Squad from Matt Booth, Shane Grainger, Liam Willett, Alex Sheldon, Vinnie James, Daniel Turley, Luke Dimmock, Ryan Law, Calum Pearson, Jordan Pargeter, Liam Tolley, James Thompson, Daniel Pritchard, Nathan Greenwood, Jack Till, Bradley Mitchell, Ben Cox.  This is a squad list and as we can only take 15 on the minibus the team will be announced when availability of all players is confirmed.

Tuesday 29 March 2011

The Year 7 Boys Football travelled to The Wordsley School and put on a fine display of football. Josh Parsons and Tom King selected a rather cautious 4 -5-1 formation with Captain Niall Smith in holding role just in front of the back four. The opening stages of the game were fairly even with both teams playing some good attacking football. It was Thorns striker Jack Blunt who opened the scoring after 12 minutes with driven shot. Blunt added to his tally shortly after with an excellent volley from a corner kick. Thorns were becoming increasingly dominant and were creating many chances. Eventually the dominance paid off with Jake Pritchard scoring 4 goals with some very sublime finishes whilst Niall Smith rounded off a smart move with an easy tap in following good work by Pritchard. Wordsley were able to get on the score sheet themselves twice to make the final score 7-2. The man of the match award goes to Jake Pritchard for a fab four goals! The Year 7 team are next in action this Thursday. Check the schedule for further details.

The Year 7 Boys team in a winning mood following their 7-2 demolition of the Wordsley School

Thursday 24 March 2011

The Year 9 Girls team have been showing that unlike the boys teams they know how to win! Not only have the basketball and netball teams been very successful this year but it appears that the girls football team are not too bad either! Thursday the girls played host to High Arcal School in a BHDS FA Cup game. With the game tied at 0-0 after extra time it had to be decided by a penalty shoot out. Thorns ran out winners 4-2 on spot kicks with Yolanda Moyo saving two whilst Liz, Danielle, Rose and Amy all converted from 12 yards to send Thorns into the next round of the competition.



Year 9 Boys Football Team with Mr Healy, Liam Willett, Jack Till, Nathan Greenwood, Jordan Pargeter, Calum Pearson, Vinnie James, Bradley Mitchell, James Thompson, Shane Grainger, Liam Tolley, Grant Blakeway, Luke 'at the floor' Dimmock.

The usually reliable Year 9 Boys football team continued their poor run of form on Thursday night as they travelled to Summerhill with an injury depleted side. James Thompson (leg), LIam Willetts (leg) Jack Freestone (broken arm) and Matt Booth (pulled muscle) were all absent from a side which included Jack Till for the first time. The game was a scrappy affair and neither team took complete control before half time. The less said about the second half is probably for the best as Summerhill piled on the pressure as the back four of James, Turley, Dimmock and Mitchell struggled to contain the speedy Summerhill forwards. The game ended 7-2 with the only positive being a goal for debutant Jack Till who netted from close range following a stinging cross shot by Calum Pearson. The Year 9 boys now turn their attention to their only chance of Silverware this season when they travel to Castle High in the second round of the Brierley Hill and Dudley Schools Cup. Hopefully the team will be back to full strength by that time.

Monday 21 March 2011

Year 8 Boys v Summerhill

The Year 8 Boys team were unable to break a miserable run of results for the school as they slipped to a second successive defeat at the hands of disciplined Summerhill team. Dan Pritchard scored a wonderful goal and Connor Grove netted twice in quick succession but still ran out losers 4-3 on the night.

Year 9 Boys Football v Ellowes Hall School

The year 9 Boys Football team threw away a 3-1 advantage against a good Ellowes Hall team. Shane Grainger had scored twice before James Thompson curled a fantastic shot past the Keeper to give Thorns what should have been a winning margin. What happened next was most improbable as straight from the kick off the Ellowes Hall striker went on a mazy run beating 4 or 5 Thorns players before smashing the ball home past Matt Hall in the Thorns goal. Even at 3-2 Thorns didn't seem comfortable and it was little surprise when Ellowes snatched an equaliser after Thorns failed to clear the ball. With the game headed for a draw which was probably the fairest result Thorns found themselves wanting at the back as a mix up between Hall and Jones allowed the striker to run through on goal and score an easy tap in. With only seconds remaining Thorns had no time left to reply.

Monday 14 March 2011

The Year 8 Boys football team travelled to Ellowes Hall for a Brierley Hill and Dudley Schools League fixture with a strong squad of 16 players. It was fantastic to see such a great response following a very disappointing result against High Arcal School just before half term. Right from the outset it was clear that Thorns were up against a very good Ellowes side but Reece Bayley and Alex Sheldon stood firm at the back with the help of Ross Swain, Joe Rogers and Dan Homer. The first fifteen minutes of the game saw Thorns pinned back in their own half and counter-attacking whenever possible with Callum Bunn who started the game as the lone striker. Numerous attacks were thwarted by a resilient Thorns defence and very hard working midfield consisting of Niall Smith, Jack Lee, Daniel Pritchard (Capt), Connor Grove and Jordan Hooper.

Despite Thorns' best efforts the deadlock was broken on 18 minutes when a well worked move down the right flank unlocked the Thorns' defence and resulted in a fine volley from 8 yards past the outstretched Swain in the Thorns goal. What followed next can only be described as a bit of a comedy goal as an intended pass was missed not only by the Ellowes Hall Striker but also the defender and keeper. The ball rolled slowly into the net and Thorns found themselves 2-0 down at half time not before Bunn had been replaced by Kasey Bayley because of injury.

Following a spirited team talk by Mr Healy the teams took the field for the second half with Thorns having the slight advantage of kicking down hill. Thorns were making a game of it and had a number of chances to get a goal but on each occasion the the Ellowes Hall keeper was equal to the effort. Dan Homer was particularly unlucky with a long range effort as was Daniel Pritchard who shot wide from 10 yards. Jack Lee was replaced by Sam Passey on the 40 minute mark. Ellowes made the game safe with a third goal midway through the half when following a Swain kick the defence failed to push out. Swain's kick was headed back towards his goal and and he was left with little chance as the striker slotted home. The game was played out with a number of players making appearances from the bench including Josh Thompson, Ben Cox and Stephan Priest. Despite some very good performances on the night including Reece Bayley and a hardworking display from Jordan Hooper the the Man of the Match award goes to Alex Sheldon for a composed and professional performance. The Year 8 team are in action next week against Summerhill School, check the schedule for further details.

Sunday 27 February 2011

All the pictures from this fantastic trip can be found in the Gallery.
