Thursday 21 July 2011

Laser Quest Rewards Trip.

The end of year rewards trip was to Laser Quest in Stourbridge. Pupils from yr7 8 and 9 recieve letters to go and have a couple of games there, but to attend pupils had to receive 11 merits or more across the year in their PE lessons.  The games lasted 15 minutes each game and there were 2 teams, red and green.  Points were awarded for every time you shot an opponent on their gun, shoulder, front or back of the pack.  Points were deducted when you were shot.  The winning team was the one with the most points in the end.  There were a number of good individual performances by Steven Shehan and Connor Grove.  Next year there will be another PE rewards trip so watch this space and try hard in your PE lessons to get the merits!  Written by Connor Grove 8NT

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